Die Bedeutung von respiratorischen Erkrankungen bei Pferden

The importance of respiratory diseases in horses

Respiratory diseases in horses are very common and can be caused by various reasons. Both bacterial, viral and non-infectious triggers, such as environmental allergens, can cause these respiratory...

GelenkeDie Gelenkgesundheit Ihres Pferdes - was sollten Sie wissen?

Your horse's joint health - what should you know?

Joint problems in horses are one of the most frequently discussed topics in the horse world. A number of therapies and nutritional supplements are available to treat these problems. Choosing fro...

KnochenaufbauKnochenentwicklung bei Pferden

Bone Development in Horses

Most of the knowledge about bone development and horse nutrition has only been gained through numerous studies over the last 40 years. Horse diseases, the best horse feed for weight gain, foal nutr...

Muskelaufbau PferdMuskelerkrankungen - Wie schütze ich mein Pferd davor?

Muscle diseases - How do I protect my horse from them?

Anyone who works with horses is aware of how much time and effort it takes to keep these delicate animals healthy and well-conditioned. The physical conditioning and nutrition of horses has receiv...

FutterölÖl in der Pferdefütterung – Welches ist das richtige?

Oil in horse feed – which is the right one?

Oil in horse feed – which is the right one? “But we use sunflower oil”… we hear this argument every day, but how do the cheap oils from the supermarket differ from the expensive ones in speciali...

HufpflegeEin Hufriss ist wie eine tickende Zeitbombe – es kann etwas passieren, muss aber nicht!

A hoof crack is like a ticking time bomb – something could happen, but it doesn’t have to!

The hardships of summer include not only the annoying flies and horseflies and the unbearable heat, but also the long dry periods. Which horse owner hasn't experienced this? The hooves become br...

PferdefütterungMagengeschwüre - Was kann ich tun?

Stomach ulcers - what can I do?

What is a stomach ulcer? Why GNF? When should I feed GNF? What is a stomach ulcer? The horse's stomach has a limited capacity of around 15 litres. It consists of a glandless part and an area wi...

Haut und FellSommerzeit ist Fliegenzeit

Summertime is fly time

The air is full of buzzing insects and plagues the horses. Insects are real pests for horses, whether in the pasture, in the stable or when riding. To get rid of annoying insects, horses can shake ...

ElektrolyteWarum sind Elektrolyte für mein Pferd unerlässlich?

Why are electrolytes essential for my horse?

For a horse to perform at its best, it must be properly hydrated and provided with sufficient amounts of electrolytes. Horses are unique among athletic animals in that they cool their bodies primar...

Haut und FellKühlpaste - Beat the heat! Stay cool - stay sound

Cooling paste - Beat the heat! Stay cool - stay sound

Nothing worries the trainer more than the horse's legs. They are the horse's most vulnerable body parts. During intensive training and competitions, they are exposed to enormous pressure and force....

PferdefütterungErgänzungsfuttermittel zum Erhalt der Lebensqualität

Supplementary feed to maintain quality of life

As the horse has developed into a leisure and sport partner, the realization has grown that conventional nutrition can no longer meet the needs of the modern horse. Often, normal daily feeding no l...

PferdefütterungPferdefutter richtig lagern - damit Ihr Pferd gesund bleibt!

Store horse feed correctly - so that your horse stays healthy!

It is important to ensure that your horse feed is stored correctly, as good, hygienic feeding keeps horses healthy and ready to perform. Their digestive and respiratory systems are very sensitive ...